
প্রতিষ্ঠাতা অধ্যক্ষ ও সচিব

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We all know that education is all qualities of expression of a child's knowledge. Education means the especial vision that is depends on life's vision.

Education is as like as large of life. Education is the total meditation of life. Education means the changed from the inner of heart, expressing clearly from internal qualities of meditation so, It means education is the expression of child's physical, mental, moral and meditation progress. According to the pholosophist, Socrates, "Education is the death of fault and truth invention". On the other hand, pholosophist platio tells, "which is fulfillment of physical and mental satisfactions is call education".

At present age is science and technology. Technical education is second to none- Previous time is called "Education is the backbone of nation". But at present is called "Technological education is the backbone of a nation". Besides, those countries which is more progressed in Technological education is much progress and enrich. Cox's Bazar Model polytechnic institute is one of the organization which is some important on theoretical and practical class. Those students who attend in classes regularly with great attention in theoretical & practical classes & reads at home 3-4 hours, they never fail.

Skill Manpower is an important element in national development. Vocational & Technological education is essential to build up skill manpower. So, now-a-day complied education is perseverance consider in Technological & Vocational education. There is no alternate way is to escape from unemployment Bangladesh without technical & vocational education. A man can economical security in his family and a state can earn foreign currency.

Skill manpower is an essential matter in economical progress. Our world has been changed by the invention of science & technology. Developing country is to face disfavor completion on the way of marketing, skill manpower export, communication in international environment. The budget of Bangladesh is major portion depends on foreign currency come from the unskilled manpower. In the field of foreign employment we are to face uncountable completion in our developing country. In the field of selling, we should consider about export skill worker's expert, standard. We should have concentration in case of the priority all branches of technical, vocational education. We should keep peace in the development of our modern world in the field of Garment, pharmaceutical, food-manner, oil-Gas in the industry of coil, Technology of health telecommunication. Syllabus must be changed international structure, rules demand. In this way, a revolution will must be changed about foreign employment without kindness, our children will be able in the international employment with own ability.

Md. DidarUllah
[B. Sc Hons M. Sc (Chemistry)]
Founder Principal & Secretary
Coxsbazar Model Polytechnic Institute